Tag Archives: fear

Take Off Your Mask

take off the maskLook around . . . are people really happy? They are running from one errand to the next, in and out of meetings, and picking up their kids at school. That feigned smile remains on their face, but what does it mean? Are they hiding something?

We all wear masks because sometimes we don’t want others to see how we really feel. We go to church and smile as we listen. Did the message resonate in our hearts, or was it just another scheduled appointment? Do we believe what was said or just go along with it?

Many of us hide behind a mask of pain or fear. A broken relationship, a difficult child, a challenging diagnosis that means learning a new way of life. The mask is a self-preservation mechanism, but does it really work? Do we feel better with it on? Or has it been on for so long we don’t even remember it’s there?

If we believe what God says about us, then we can take off the mask. God says, “I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. I have kept on loving you with faithful love,” (Jeremiah 31:3 NIRV). He says we are loved, just as we are. It doesn’t matter what we are dealing with behind closed doors. God already knows, and loves us anyway. He wants us to be real so we can find peace in Him.

Dear Lord, help us to see the masks we wear. Give us the courage to be real. We want to find our peace in You. Amen.

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Posted by on May 28, 2014 in My Thoughts


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Do Not Fear

“So do not fear,
for I am with you;
do not be dismayed,
for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10 NIV

Do you believe this verse? I mean really believe it. Perhaps you read it and think…That’s nice, I wish I felt His presence. I wish I could stop being fearful. I used to think that way.

This verse, written hundreds of years before Jesus ever came, encouraged His people who were living in a time when nations were fighting nations. Though we may or may not be concerned about our life like they were, we still need God just as much as they did. They didn’t know the grace and love of Jesus, but they knew their Father.

A few verses later (in verse 13), God says He takes our hand and again tells us not to fear, that He will help us. He will help you. I picture a little child taking a hold of her daddy’s hand and knowing everything will be alright. Our Father brings us that same comfort.

You may be unable to feel His presence right now, but He is with you. You may still fear, but He is with you. Seek Him today. Your worries won’t magically disappear, but let Him hold your hand. Let Him be your strength. If that’s still too hard to fathom, get some help. Talk to someone. And don’t lose hope. He is with you.

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Posted by on June 13, 2012 in Anxiety


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Fear Not

When things are going well, do you start to wonder if something bad is coming? I recently did that. My husband and I were talking about this season of our life, and I mentioned how things have finally started slowing down for the first time in a long time. Then, my next thought was, “Uh oh, does that mean something bad is coming next? Is God preparing us for something?”

Why do we do this? Human nature? Anxiety? Murphy’s Law? Or is it we are somehow conditioned to wait for the other shoe to drop? I had to stop and ask God to calm my heart. I had to remember that God is a good God. He wants to bring us abundant joy. He wants our cup to overflow. He loves us and delights in every area of our lives.

A few days after my worrisome thought, I read the following verse. I knew God was speaking directly to me. “They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them” (Psalm 112:7 NLT). I thank God for the beautiful reminder. Stop worrying…again. But, the next step is often the hardest. I must actually put my trust in the Lord…with confidence. It’s not about trying to trust with closed eyes and clenched fists, we must trust with confident hope.

He cares for me and He cares for you. Let Him take care of you.

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Posted by on March 14, 2012 in Anxiety


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While getting ready for school this week, my daughter stopped putting on her shoes to look up at me, and with concern in her voice said, “Mommy, I want to talk to you about something.” I knew she was serious, as her tone and body language completely changed, and she stopped what she was doing. She explained that she had a bad dream that night and was afraid. In it, she had hurt her hand while playing at a pool and tried to find me for help, only to see me and the family leaving without her. She was sobbing as she told me how sad she was that we left her in her dream.

My heart was broken for my little girl who felt such despair from something that wasn’t even real. But, it was real to her, because she lived through the dream. I picked her up when she began to cry and held her tightly as she finished her story. She pulled back from my arms to look in my eyes and said, “It’s just that I love you so much, and I was so sad that you were leaving.” I held her and rocked her in my arms, soothing her heartache and telling her how much I loved her. I assured her that I would not leave her alone because I want to protect her and take care of her. She said she already knew that, but was just so sad about her dream that she had to tell me.

As I thought about it for the rest of the day, God began to tug at my heart. He reminded me that He knows that same heartache as He holds me when I’m scared. He offers the same strong arms to wrap me in His peace and to soothe away my pain. When I run to Him in my weakness, in my doubt, and in my fear, He is always there to bring me comfort and reassure me that He will never leave me. He loves me more than I love my daughter, and that’s hard for me to fathom.

Whether your heart is breaking from a dream, from fear, or from pain, God is there. He will never let you go. You can run to Him for anything, real or imagined. He wants to be your Loving Father, Prince of Peace, Strong Tower. He is all of those and more, but we must choose to run to Him. What are you waiting for?


Posted by on March 7, 2012 in Anxiety, My Thoughts


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Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Don’t believe everything you think!

What a great thought for today. I’ve seen this posted on Facebook recently and it got me thinking about its depth. I have no idea who actually penned this phrase, but I’m impressed with its wisdom.

We’ve all been told not to believe everything we read, see, or hear. But, what about those thoughts that pop into our head unexpected? I certainly have them. I used to think there was something really wrong with me to have these thoughts, but then I was reminded of the darts that Satan throws at us. Unfortunately, Satan knows he can attack my mind, and he chooses to attack me this way quite often.

Anxious thoughts used to be a very effective way of causing problems in my life, and they still do once in a while. But, I’ve learned how to dismiss those thoughts. When I know scripture, I can counter those thoughts with the truth. God’s Word is very effective against attacks on my mind.

Being able to stop a thought from digging in and festering is very empowering. God tells us to fill our minds with truth. Philippians 4:8 says, “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” I can certainly do that.

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Posted by on October 31, 2011 in Anxiety


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